#Weatnu Records YEAR ONE compilation tracks - A rewrite.

In the year since I wrote the original posts, (which I am still leaving up) The active movement that was #Weatnu has ground down to a halt, though its founder continues to use the name with his recording/mastering outputs.

Sadly also Introflirt and the producer known as Fatrat/Lightfarer have left this plane of existence, the former acts two members were trapped in the 'Ghost Ship' warehouse fire in Oakland, the latter, a very friendly chap I wish I had exchanged more messages with, passed on due to health complications.

The once 74 track compilation has become 70 tracks due to a few artists wanting to remove their tracks, I'd assume the 70 that are still there aren't going anywhere at this point. There are still a number of exclusive to this compilation releases, and though the global economy is wonkier now than it was, $8 for 70 tracks isn't that terrible.

There's everything electronic, from drum and bass to ambient, synthpop to darkwave, and IDM to techno.
I recommend checking it out purely as a way of checking out a bunch of artists you may never have heard before.
Below is a player of the compilation and below that links to each of the individual artists.

Clayfeet  https://clayfeet.bandcamp.com/  
Anodic8 https://anodic8.bandcamp.com/
1912  https://1912.bandcamp.com/
Austeya  http://www.austeya.co.uk/
Almark  https://synthoelectro.bandcamp.com/
Akiba Jonze  https://akibajonze.bandcamp.com/
Alphastare  https://alphastare.bandcamp.com/
Meter Bridge https://meterbridge.bandcamp.com/
AMNIOTIC https://amnioticofficial.bandcamp.com/
Andrulian https://andrulian.bandcamp.com/
Adryelle  https://adryellemusic.bandcamp.com/
Bare Island  https://bareisland.bandcamp.com/
Beefus B  https://soundcloud.com/beefusbruiser/
Belial Pelegrim  https://belialpelegrim.bandcamp.com/
BvsMV https://bvsmv.bandcamp.com/
Bleepeater  https://soundcloud.com/bleepeater/
Blueonsilver  https://blueblurrrecordings.bandcamp.com/
Jazzykat  https://jazzykat.bandcamp.com/
Sea Mountains  https://seamountains.bandcamp.com/music
Roofy https://corbinroof.bandcamp.com/
Bufinjer https://bufinjer.bandcamp.com/
CRBNIZD https://carbonishsound.wordpress.com/
Crest of the Syndicate https://crestofthesyndicate.bandcamp.com/
Comfort Within Noise  https://comfortwithinnoise.bandcamp.com/
devilsclub  https://devilsclub.bandcamp.com/
Dajoka https://dajoka.bandcamp.com/
Digital Slumber Party https://www.facebook.com/DigitalSlumberParty/
Dysfonic https://dysfonic.bandcamp.com/
En Snares https://ensnares.bandcamp.com/
Bedtime for Robots https://bedtimeforrobots.bandcamp.com/
Fatrat https://lightfarer.bandcamp.com/
Feasibility Study https://soundcloud.com/feasibilitystudy
FM R IZ  https://ignitelight.bandcamp.com/
How Hot Is Your Cloud?  https://howhotisyourcloud.bandcamp.com/
I, Symptom  https://isymptom.bandcamp.com
Introflirt  https://introflirt.bandcamp.com/
Lie Craze https://liecraze.bandcamp.com/
MANGABROS https://mangabros.bandcamp.com/
Mark Ward  https://mark-ward.bandcamp.com/
∆mattik https://amattik.bandcamp.com/
minutes after https://twitter.com/minutes_after
Naimi https://naimi.bandcamp.com/
Reggy Woods https://reggywoods.bandcamp.com/
Terminateur Benelux https://terminateurbenelux.bandcamp.com/
The Aircrash Bureau! https://theaircrashbureaui.bandcamp.com/
Ian Haygreen https://ianhaygreen.bandcamp.com/
The Livelong June http://www.thelivelongjune.com/
Uncles of Wise https://unclesofwise.bandcamp.com/
WSM http://wsm.onl/releases.html
Don Lockwood https://soundcloud.com/don-lockwood-2
Neurokinetix https://soundcloud.com/neurokinetixnetwork
Ager Sonus https://agersonus.bandcamp.com/
Blip Blasé https://soundcloud.com/oscar-lagerstedt
Breezy https://breezy28music.bandcamp.com/
CosmoMoose https://cosmomoose.bandcamp.com/
Cosmic Cadence https://cosmiccadence.bandcamp.com/
Pal Zoltan Illes  https://palzoltanilles.bandcamp.com/
Pas De La Dame Sauvage  https://pasdeladamesauvage.bandcamp.com/
Shadows & Mirrors https://shadowsmirrors.bandcamp.com/
Lucia Fenix  https://f3nix.bandcamp.com/
Vague Notion https://vaguenotion1.bandcamp.com/
Wrams https://soundcloud.com/wrams
Cobold Chrysalis https://coboldchrysalis.bandcamp.com/
Crawlform https://crawlform.bandcamp.com/
Robert T https://robertt.bandcamp.com/
Secret Destroyers https://secretdestroyers.bandcamp.com/
Stateslaver Zero https://nakrikal.bandcamp.com/
Time Attendant https://timeattendant.bandcamp.com/
Shice Squad https://www.facebook.com/Shice-Squad
This Dainty Monster https://thisdaintymonster.bandcamp.com